Linux stuff
Laptops with Linux
Both running Gentoo Linux now with most of the bells 'n wistles
Gentoo Linux - My collection of tip's and tricks
Medion 6100 Aldi Laptop (not maintained anymore)
IBM Thinkpad A31 (not maintained anymore)
IBM Thinkpad Z61p
Software I find usefull
- TheoPhys keyboard mappings for easy typing of theoretical physics text using TeXmacs.
TeXmacs is a scientific wyziwig editor
producing logically structured documents (a la latex).
It also exports to latex
quite good. It also includes plugins to use
algebraic engines like maple, maxima, matlab etc and plotting utilities inside your document.
- OpenOffice - Office suite
with a particularly good presentation program. Takes some practice but nice
results. Especially drawing stuff is easy and looks great. Use the
latest version...
Enemy Territory -
Teambased 3D "tactical" game - a free spinoff from Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
Runs like a dream under linux with some decent hardware. Just 250 MB
I cooked up but still need to make into a descent package and add...
- molcas-mode - Emacs highlighting mode for Molcas input files*
- Scripts for using quantum chemistry programs Gaussian, Molcas,
- Automatic web-downloading of the complete EMSL database in